Social Media Tips – What to post on a Facebook Business Page
In previous blog posts we have discussed if we should use a Facebook Profile or Fan Page for our Business and How to set up a Facebook Page for Business and Network Marketing.
Now that we have built a Facebook Fan Page for our business we need to know what to post.
I see a lot of businesses and people in network marketing using social media and especially Facebook in a way that won’t generate any leads or sales for them in their business.
To use Facebook properly we need to understand the psychology of this platform. As a marketer we might think oh, there are a lot of people on this platform, let´s sell our stuff there; but people are not on Facebook to buy anything. People use the Internet and Social Media to get entertained, read or watch their news, get social with other people or just to kill some time.
If people want to buy anything on the internet they will go to Amazon or look things up in Google.
Pages where we see only buy, buy, buy, promotion, promotion but absolutely no value or entertaining stuff won’t work – people don’t like this and don’t visit these pages because they are spammy.
Promotions should happen in form of recommendations and suggestions! Reviews and personal experiences with our products or services, recommendations, suggestions are creating a lot of activity from people on Facebook.
If we suggest things or give third party recommendations it’s like when I have seen a good movie in the cinema and I tell my friends about it. That might get viral; my friends tell their friends and so on…
Content on Facebook business pages should have a value/promotion ratio of 80% value and 20% promotion. Value means that people first get curious and interested in what we are doing and over time we can win them as leads and later as a buyer.
Some marketers are making their content all about them and don’t care about their audience but at the end of the day the audience has to like and engage with what we are doing. As a marketer we have to ask ourselves: How can we serve our audience? And not just talk about ourselves.
A lot of people and businesses are failing in connecting and engaging with their audience. Engaging means that our audience is liking, commenting and sharing what they read on our page.
Content could be Quotes, things to share and only occasionally we can offer free eBooks, Webinars or similar things. In this fee available content is where we promote to buy things from us.
To lay the foundation for success when posting on a Facebook fan page we need:
• to entertain our audience on Facebook and have fun doing it ourselves … and don’t sell
• we have to understand our target audience and what they want
• we have to relate to our audience and be a real person and not hype
Here are some ideas of what you could post on your Facebook Page to Get More Likes & Shares
1. Post like a friend and not a business
Facebook is all about the personal experience. Post news and updates in a simple, informal and fun way. No marketing hype!
2. Focus on engagement
Ask yourselves how could you stimulate your audience to get involved with your business? Ask questions and offer polls that invite a response. Don’t forget at the end of a post to invite to like, comment or share. When people do respond, keep the conversation going with your own comments.
3. Post about trending topics
Facebook´s news feed algorithm will reward posts that are about topics trending on Facebook, something your audience will talk about. If you know your customers will watch an important football match on Saturday why not posting content around this? Ask which team they will be supporting. It’s a great way to interact with your fans.
4. Post Selfies and photos of yourself
Facebook is about building relations. Why not posting a Selfie every now and then? Selfies can do a lot for your Facebook strategy. One of the benefits of network marketing is the lifestyle it involves and this is what we love. Why not sharing this lifestyle with our audience? Post occasionally a photo which shows you enjoying this lifestyle. Both humanizes your brand and gives your brand a personality.
Social Media Tips – What to post on a Facebook Business Page
Here an additional tip!
Important is to always link back to your blog or website or another of your social media accounts. This boosts your page’s search engine rankings and keeps your audience on your own information feeds.
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