Category / Social Media
Social Media Tips – What to post on a Facebook Business Page
In previous blog posts we have discussed if we should use a Facebook Profile or Fan Page for our Business and How to set up a Facebook Page for Business and Network…
08/03/2018 -
Social Media Tips – How to set up a Facebook Page for Business
In a recent blog post I explained why business owners and entrepreneurs who want to use Facebook as a way to promote their business to make more sales and/or grow their teams…01/03/2018 -
Social Media Tips – Facebook Profile or Page for Business
We all know what Facebook is and most of us have a Facebook profile. There are almost 2 billion people using Facebook. All other social media platforms have far lower numbers to…
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Peter is a Health, Wellness and Scuba Diving coach and well as a Social Media Marketing and Branding expert with more than 20 years of experience in the field.
He grew up on the internet and therefore finds that it is something like home. His Mission is to Help People Achieving Better Health and Creating a Residual Income using Social Media to be Successful Faster.